
Life should be easier through the use of the technology, and the relationships around you should be the same. We exist to deliver the best customer experience built around home automation and electrical services. We take pride in being an elite electrical contractor in Saskatoon.

We focus on a seamless experience and enhanced atmosphere, not on products. Our 3-step approach to designing your project:


  • Information gathering

  • Discussion and observation

  • Setting the foundation


  • Sorting through the info

  • Efficient budgeting

  • Problem solving


  • Supplying

  • Installating

  • Training

Have you ever road-tripped without a map?

It takes a lot longer and there are wrong turns along the way. Aspen Automation builds a Road Map for all of its projects, large or small. Find out how this process avoids unnecessary spending, improper product selection, and wasted time.

Our partners

“People don’t want to purchase products. They want a solution to enhance the atmosphere in their homes or businesses without noticing it.”